About CozyNet

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Hello and welcome to the CozyNet website! I don’t typically go by my real name on the internet and prefer pseudonyms. In hindsight, “CozyBroz” is an odd nickname and I didn’t put much thought into it as I was setting up an IRC server and needed a nickname for testing. If you would like to address me by a less immature name, then you can call me Garry.

Anyhow, my birthday is on the 23rd of December and I was born in 1992. I like computers, making music, reading books, antiques, and cooking. I live in an old farm house in the rural hills of Texas, which I’m restoring as I can afford it. I have two cats named after the chocolate candy “Snickers” and “KitKat.” I also have a pet dog named “Poochie” who was an abandoned stray.

I work in IT with a few “hats,” but my main area of work has been dealing with maintaining an aging legacy environment for an insurance company since I’m familiar with those sort of systems. Even though I work in IT and like computers, I don’t have very many computers or any high end tech at home besides a NAS server running FreeBSD for archives. Though I’m quite familiar with traditional web-hosting, I’ve been trying to distance myself from the tech world to explore other avenues of work.

Of recent, I’ve been attending a church and reading the bible and have made many friends. I would like to write more about this someday.

Thank you for stopping by!

Date: 2024-02-26

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