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Planning to buy two kitty cats

So I’ve been planning on buying two kitty cats in the next couple of months! The reason for two is because I have to work thru most of the day and won’t be home. Two can keep each other company while I’m gone. It’ll have to be later in the year though as I get my house cleaned up, fixed up, and livable.
I haven’t yet decided whether they would be indoor or outdoor cats. If indoor, then they would need to be hypoallergenic. I would also need to fix up the back yard to where they wouldn’t be able to escape, but still have a place to roam outside and get fresh air and sunlight.
I think that if I go the indoor cat route, then it would need to be a short hair cat of some kind, otherwise they’ll get hair friggin everywhere! As for outdoor cats, I don’t care if they shed like crazy or if they’re non-hypoallergenic.
Personally, I’m not very fond of animals in the house. I leave some exception for animals like turtles, fish, reptiles, and gerbils. But cats and dogs, yeah I don’t really know… I think cats could be alright, so long they’re not misbehaved little freaks that routinely make a habbit to shid, piss, and vomit all over the place; otherwise, outside they go! I’m pretty sensitive to smells. Pungent musky odors in the house are not cool. I don’t mind it from a barnyard though.
As for cats, I could go for just about any one of them! Here’s a few pictures of the cats that I like.

Norwegian Forest Cat

I like their pointy ears. Very pretty. Not sure how well they would handle indoors though. I get the feeling that they're more of an outdoor cat and wouldn't appreciate being kept in a house or small backyard.
Ragdoll cat

I hear that Ragdoll cats are really chill. My grandparents had one, but she was a psycho! I was an annoying kid though, so it was probably my fault. One problem that I can see with a Ragdoll is that they’re kind of expensive! I'd hate to spend big bucks on a cat, just for something bad to happen to it...
Himalayan cat

I like the contrast of their blue eyes against the smokey fur coat. They look like cozy cats for sitting on your lap.
Persian cat

They sound like a nice house kitty. Also, I like their white fur. They look like they would shed a lot of hair around the house though.
Orange tabby

I like the orange coat Tabby's. They make me think of Garfield and would look great on a farm. Had one of these once with a stubbed tail. She was a feisty cat and very independent, and sometimes grouchy.

I don’t really know where to find these cats, aside from the Tabby. Tabby’s are easy to find here, but I rarely see the others. I guess Craig’s List? I’ve heard of FaceBook Marketplace, but I really don’t want to create a FaceBook account. I know that you can often find cats for sale at Flea markets. I also have a few phone numbers and know a few people that I could call, and just ask around that way.
It’ll need to be two cats, and preferably female. However, if I opt to do outdoor cats, then I would prefer at least one male. Maybe I could do both, two indoor cats and then two outdoor cats for catching rodents? Of course the males would have to be snipped, or else they would just run away.
This is starting to sound like too many cats now...
Thanks for reading my blog!
Date: 2023-04-14
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