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General update v14 (CozyNet blog is ded!)

Yeahhh I know… I’m not posting as much anymore it seems; I’ll try to fix that. I would like to keep up with writing detailed long posts, but that’s really caused a problem with being consistent. It’s just not easy trying to come up with a well fleshed out post is all, so I’m just not gonna do it unless I’m in the mood.
I’ve still been keeping busy with house stuff. After over a year of shidding innawoods like a wild man, I’ve finally got my outhouse to a usable state. I simply got sick of being attacked by so many damn mosquito's when trying to take care of business. Since it’s been raining a lot here this year, the mosquito population exploded. I’m also mowing the yard twice a friggin week, which if you recall is about 1 acre (0.4 hectares), so it’s a real pain in the bum, and itchy too. Keeping up with that among other things doesn’t leave me with much time in the day to blogpost or shitpost because I’m too tired by the end of it.
Landscape-wise, I have a laundry list of things needing to be done too. Clear up fallen trees, make a burn pit to burn limb piles, clear out trash piles from the backyard, cut down trash trees in the backyard, pick up dead limbs and branches, weed-whack, mow, poison, and more. For now I’m just doing my best to maintain things so it doesn’t get too out of hand while nature is trying to reclaim the property. It at least looks better than last year, where the whole “yard” was just overtaken by an overgrowth of rag weeds and Johnson grass. I’ve been trying to stay consistent with mowing so that I can kill off the perineal weeds; the sticker plants are by far the worst.
On the pet front, the kittens have been doing well. They’re growing quick and will be full grown cats before long. They like playing games and being mischievous too, such as scratching the trim in doorways. I flick water at them and chase them away from it to deter them, but instead of learning from that, they just try to do it even quicker. They’ll even look right at me while doing it before quickly darting off, as if to say “teehee you can’t catch me!” I call them my paint scraper assistants.
Also apparently I now have a pet dog. Someone dumped him off on the road and I guess he walked a few miles up to my place since I keep the porch light on and there’s no other dogs here to chase him away. At first I tried chasing him away because I don’t want a dog and not really fond of them since they tear shit up and make a lot of noise (more so than a cat.) He kept away after that, but then one morning it was raining outside and he was beneath one of the trees that fell over beside the yard (which is one of the fallen trees still on my list to clear out.) He was just there barking to the sky and looking all wet and miserable, so I got him a pan and emptied out a can of wet cat food that I wasn’t going to use since my cats became crack addicted to it.
He’s been coming around since then, which I figured he would after feeding him that one time, so I got him a bag of dog food, some chew bones, and a rope toy. He sticks around now in the back yard and is a really friendly dog when not skittish. He’s a nearly all white Australian Shepherd with bright almost white blue’ish eyes, with one eye having some weird coloration deformity. Despite being young, I think he might be nearly blind because if I throw his rope toy or a stick, it just doesn’t register in his dog brain that I threw anything at all; my cats have more sense when I throw them something! I have to be really obvious, and then he’ll chase after it, but then he has completely no idea where it landed and will look around then give up.
Here’s a picture of him. He’s real skinny right now, and has flea rashes. If he sticks around and trusts me a little more, I’ll get a kiddie pool to give him a flea bath in and brush his fur out. Right now his name is Poochie, as in “The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show.” I don’t really have a way to keep him in the yard since it’s easy to escape, so hopefully he doesn’t get into any trouble.

He has both his eyes, it's just hard to tell.
Thanks for reading my blog!
Date: 2024-06-11
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