IRC Services (ChanServ)
/msg ChanServ identify #channel |
Identifies you as the channel's founder and gives you founder-level privileges. |
/msg ChanServ set #channel mlock modes |
Locks the channel's modes. Just + unlocks all. |
/msg ChanServ set #channel secureops [on|off] |
Keeps everyone except aops, sops, and the founder from becoming ops. |
/msg ChanServ set #channel keeptopic [on|off] |
Maintains the topic even if everyone leaves. |
/msg ChanServ set #channel enforce [on|off] |
Restores op/halfop/voice if a person with op/halfop/voice gets de-opped/halfopped/voiced. |
/msg ChanServ set #channel leaveops [on|off] |
Whether or not to allow the first person who join the channel to get ops. |
/msg ChanServ register #channel password description |
Registers the current channel to you with ChanServ and sets its password and description. |
/msg ChanServ drop #channel [dropcode] |
Un-registers the current channel to you with ChanServ. |
/msg ChanServ set #channel founder [nickname] |
Sets the current channel's founder. |
/msg ChanServ set #channel password [newpass] |
Changes the current channel's password to newpass. |
/msg ChanServ set #channel desc [description] |
Changes the current channel's description. |
/msg ChanServ set #channel url [address] |
Associates a URL with the channel. |
/msg ChanServ set #channel [email@address] |
Associates an email address with the channel. |