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General update v15

It’s been a pretty good month since the last update. Things seem to be going well on the technical front with the site and such. I haven’t really been up to much site-wise though. I did make a backup script so that I wouldn’t have to go down a list of things to manually copy and a few other scripts to better manage things without having to dig thru log files.
Other than that, most of my time is either spent at work or at home working… But I did some grilling this last weekend to take a break after a sweltering hot week of clearing out junk here. I made charcoal grilled burgers and sausage which came out great!
Here’s a picture of my cats too. They like watching me from the window sill in the cool house while I’m outside working. I setup this chair to watch my grill on the porch from inside, but they claimed the spot once I got up to flip the patties.

And here’s a video of them playing with a cracker box. I usually throw them boxes and cardboard pieces since they like playing around with it. They eventually tear it all apart, leaving it in scraps.
So I’ve been cleaning around the house in preparation of getting water finally ran from the well. I cleaned out a quarter of the barn out back so that I had an area to move junk from out of the house which was cluttering up the utility room and getting in my way. Some of the junk I can’t exactly dump without going thru some bureaucracy, so I’m just going to move it to the barn for now.
I found this old torn up phone book in a closet from the 70’s. It has a lot of neat little pictures in it and businesses that were once in the town nearby. I’m surprised by how many businesses there use to be around here too! There was even a friggin peanut factory, but you wouldn’t ever know that seeing the dilapidated shape of the town today. Thanks NAFTA and Bill Clinton! What also surprises me is how despite there being considerably less business or job opportunity today in small towns than in the past, the population of these small towns is often times larger than ever before in its history, and yet it's so dead. I wonder why that is?
Speaking of dead things, I also found this big ass dead mummified rat in a closet. There were also a bunch of smaller mice skeletons everywhere in the closet too, go figure! I figured out how they were getting into the house too, because the morons that installed the upstairs bathroom before I ever came along cut out a huge hole in the floor of the closet to run the septic line out and didn’t cover the exposed space. That would explain why there was so much mouse and rat shit everywhere back when I got the place. They haven’t been a problem though ever since moving in, but I’m definitely going to cover that opening up.
The closet is in the cats room though, so it would be a bad idea for any rodent to find its way into the rest of the house since they like chasing things.
Thanks for reading my blog!
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