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General update v16

Why work a dirty jerb for someone else when there are plenty of dirty jerbs back home?
Hulloo Cozy readers! As is the usual excuse, I’ve been busy; too busy to be writing blogs and things. Let’s see, what all has been going on?
Well I recently discovered online auction sites where you can find things for mega cheap, I had the kitties “fixed” and vaxed, finally plumbing the house, got some old family heirlooms to decorate the place with, and arranging a water filtration and aeration install with a contractor.
So most of the auctions going on around my area are just a bunch a junk, but I did find one that was for an antique store liquidation! Ohh yeah, I found quite a few nice little odds and ends to decorate the living room with from that auction too.
It was also a first time learning experience, because some of the things I got I had to throw out in the barn because they weren’t any good. Now I was familiar with the particular antique store being liquidated and most of the items that were on auction, but there were a few that I took a gamble on. I got a fancy sofa in good condition for like $44 and a 10x12 rug for I think $18? That’s a dang good deal!; until you actually get the items only to find they’ve been absolutely soaked in freaking piss! Lesson learned, never buy anything that’s upholstered or made of fabrics from an auction.
I managed to nab the stained slag glass lamp that was sort of a center piece in the store for a long time. The guy selling it wanted around $200 for it and wouldn’t haggle it, which is more than I’m willing to spend on a stupid lamp. But at auction I got it for $75! Check out this beaut next to one of my fans!
Here’s a picture of the living room, which is slowly shaping up. I can’t really invest a whole lot of money into it how I would like, so I’m just settling with the minimum for now. Those are still the same old nasty curtains that came with the house by the way. I would replace them, but have you seen the price of fabric!? Sheesh, it’s gonna cost a small fortune so I’ll just hold off on that for later.

I had my cats “fixed” when I was off for the week to work on plumbing the house. I figured it was a good week to get it done since I would be around the house to keep an eye on them as they recovered. It was quite an expensive ordeal though, costing about $900 in total. Though I can afford it, it is a considerable amount from my savings that I’m wanting to put into buying land. It’s definitely going to be awhile before I can get any land at this rate due to odd things like this.
The kitties after their surgery
Someone in the last blog post wanted to see more of Poochie, so here’s some pictures of him with a cow bone. I’m about to take him up to Tractor Supply soon for his vaccinations because I have no idea if he already has em or not; judging by the fact someone dumped him, I’m going to assume that he isn’t. He’s been doing well though, and likes to romp around in the pastures with the gang of neighbor dogs. Probably the best life a dog could have.

Been rolling in the mud!
Since it’s getting cool out, I’m going to build him a house soon with a heat lamp built into it and a large cushion (if he doesn’t drag it out to chew apart) so he can stay warm in the winter. Also he needs a collar and a name tag, but he’s never worn one before so he might not go for it. I know cats can be that way unless you start them off as kittens wearing a collar.

Anyhow, I took a whole week off of work to get some plumbing work done. It might not look like much in the pictures, but man it was a lot of work. First off, I had to clear out the back utility room then reorganize it to make space. I also cleaned and sterilized the floors with bleach water since they were filthy and stunk. It’s the cleanest this room has probably been in decades!
For the plumbing, I’m using the PEX manifold system with PEX-B pipe and crimps cause I just love microplastic carcinogens in my water! (No, I intend to run my drinking water thru a reverse osmosis filter beneath the kitchen sink.) I like this method of plumbing because there aren’t any fittings beneath the house, which are always a weak point; it’s just continuous pipe from the manifold to the destination!
And yes, I’m running it thru the crawl space and up into a narrow hole drilled thru the floor directly beneath its destination rather than thru the interior walls of the house because lemme tell you, just about every dang wall in this house is covered in shiplap that’ll be too difficult to pull down and I don’t like the idea of tearing it up or drilling holes thru wall studs either; sounds like a recipe for disaster. Now the downside of running plumbing in a crawl space like this is exposure to freezing cold temperatures in the winter and little vermin that might think to chew it up. I don’t have to worry so much about the freezing cold here in Texas, but I will wrap it in an insulated foam tape just in case.
Thanks for reading my blog!
Date: 2024-09-16
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