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General update v17

It's gettin' about that cozy time of season bros...

Another month, another blog post!

It’s been a little slow around here on the web since I’ve been busy IRL. Most of my time I spend at work, then what little time I have left I either spend it on house repair work or chores, so I don’t have much to write about to keep consistent like when I first started the site a few years back. Well, at least much worth writing about, because I don’t give a fug about fake politicians and their fake “elections” going on in the states at the moment, or whatever next desert war they’re drumming up to re-grease Uncle Sam’s dirty hands. Don’t think I’m so disconnected that I’ve totally stopped caring, but you have to pick and choose the things to care about anymore in this kind of environment or you’ll be ravaged by every hapooning. It’s cold, but it’s necessary for preservation of the mind amidst psychological warfare and I’m not about to concern myself over what some media boob tells me to think or worry about.

Now web service-wise, I did discover that webscrapers were scrapin muh forum because PHPBB comes with a retarded default “bots” permission group that permits the user agent of most well known web scrapers full access that bypasses mandatory user sign in to view the boards. I freaking hate PHPBB’s permission system, it’s worse than SharePoint! So I cleaned that up and now nothing can scrape posts without an account. unless there’s another backdoor I’m not yet aware of...

I do miss the days of forums being publicly viewable without requiring an account, but those days are long gone. I'm not interested in building a free-for-all LLM dataset so get rekt Google and Bing!

So to continue where I left off from the last blog post on house repair work, I finished wrapping my plumbing with an insulation foam tape. It was more difficult doing that than installing the dang plumbing itself! In hindsight, I don’t recommend using nail down half clamp J-Hooks like I did. It’s such a pain in the ass to wrap anything around the plumbing work when it’s so close to a surface; and because it’s so close to a surface, I didn’t have enough space to slide a foam tube around it which is why I went with a thin insulation foam tape that’s a lower R value. For the next run of plumbing work that I’ll do, I intend to use extension hangers so it’ll be easier to slide a foam tube over the pipe.

Also, I finally have a water softening filtration and aeration system installed for the well, which means no more hard water and no more sulfur water! I’ve been hauling gallon jugs of drinking water from work or from my parents for over a year now, but now that the well water is soft enough, I can finally use it in my Berky filter without it clogging up the filters.

It’s a bit jank at the moment, but I’ll re-build the well house soon™!

I’ve had some trouble with the aerator though, which is the big black looking torpedo shaped tank on the left. Every few days it runs through a regeneration cycle and dumps some water in the process out the back of the pump house. During the process it’s supposed to eventually close the valve that’s dumping out the water, but the damn thing gets stuck and I come home to find a swamp in the back yard. I’ve had the guy that installed it fix it two times now, so I’m a bit skeptical of this system. I’m going to be beyond pissed if it drys out my well, so I’ve been keeping a closer eye on it. The mechanics of it seem simple enough, so I suspect the little motor that turns the gear to open and close the valve is probably no good. If it keeps acting up, I’m going to just try and return it because it was $2,000.

The softener in the blue shaped torpedo tank, including the black brine tank barrel in the front of it too, works perfectly fine! The aeration system is really only good for removing the sulfur smell from well water and iron, which is a nice to have but not exactly necessary unlike the softener which is a must.

All that’s left now is to install a new main line from the well pump house to my manifold block system, and then I’ll have running water! I’ll need to rent a mini trencher to dig out a trench for it though because there’s too much rock in the soil to make it worth my while in shoveling by foot.

Last week there was a magnetic storm over the atmosphere which produced some aurora lights as far down as Texas, so I took some pictures of it that turned out really great! Now the camera made it look a lot better than it really looked by eye, but even by eye it I could see it.

I was driving home late and when I got out of the car I noticed the sky had a faint red glow to it. At first I thought there was a big fire somewhere nearby because I could smell smoke, but then I remembered hearing about the magnetic storm.

And that’s all I’ve got for this month. I’m planning to build a dog house for Poochie since the weather is cooling down. Right now he likes the cold weather, but I don’t want him to freeze to death when it really gets cold out! He has a bad habit of chewing apart anything made of fabric or cardboard though, so no pillow for him; I’m just going to carpet it and install a heat lamp.

I also have a new neighbor about a mile down the road which I found out is from Commiefornia! So yeah this was the guy I was bidding against when I bought this house. He bidded a lot more than me, but wasn’t going to be able to actually buy the house until after a year once he sold his place back in California. The seller didn’t want to wait because they had a $30K reverse mortgage to pay back on the place and were already struggling with other debts and stuff and so went with my lower cash offer.

It’s a good thing too because that dude from California that bought the little abandoned house up the road from me just friggin bulldozed it! It really wasn’t in that bad of shape and could have been restored... but yeah, that was the fate of my place too if I hadn’t got it when I did, so it narrowly escaped certain doom. Hopefully it’ll have another hundred plus years of life to live.

Thanks for reading my blog!

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  • Those pixs of the mag sturm are vrry cool. I didnt know drinking water could be so hip, me with my fkuorudated tap water!! This blog is cool.
    Oct 17, 2024 Permalink Reply
    • always enjoy your posts, thanks for the updates!
      Oct 17, 2024 Permalink Reply
      • So cool cozy! Yeah in my area the aurorae were a little subdued cause of cloud cover and city lights but I could juuuust make out a little discoloration in teh sky. Amazing pics!
        Oct 16, 2024 Permalink Reply
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