Welcome to the CozyNet Blog!
New Year, New Blog Post!

Hello CozyNet readers! I’m sure that my short hiatus from blog posting these past few months hasn’t gone unnoticed. I’m ready to get back to blog posting again, but I would like to make some subtle changes to my presentation and writing style. For instance, perhaps a little less in your face “meme-y” and all around silly, eh? I kinda feel like it’s ran its course by this point, but I would like to remain lighthearted and humorous on the occasion simply due to the fact that people on the internet tend to be just downright depressing.
Most of the “meme-y-ness” that I’ve exhibited comes from an influence and background in internet forum / chan / board culture, which on one hand has become “cringe” (even the word cringe is now… cringe) no thanks to its appeal and adoption in mainstream culture. It’s like when FaceBook was the cool place to hangout until your parents and granny decided to open an account on it, then it became lame and uncool!
Actually, I always thought FaceBook was pretty lame because I was a big fan of MSN Messenger at the time, which was way better for IM. Never cared about the FaceBook timeline, just IM, but people stopped using MSN Messenger so I followed them to FaceBook for a while.
Then on the other hand, I really don’t want to associate with that sub-culture anymore. It’s honestly quite maligned and doesn’t promote a healthy life or attitude; instead, it disposes you to a safe nihilistic disengagement that twists life into a tragic farce that could never permit, let alone fathom such concepts as sincerity, love, hope, or truth because they're the only effective means to shattering it’s illusion.
“Life Is A Farce If A Person Does Not Serve Truth” You know, the history of this quote is from an Occultist lunatic, but it’s not wrong.

Though there’s nothing profound about a head sticking out of a toilet bowl, it’s quite emblematic to the state of peoples minds brain washed in internet toilet water because that’s what the internet can do to you. Existentialism, absurdism, subjectivism, and the root of them all, egoism, are poisons sprinkled all over the internet to lead impressionable minds into self-inflicted isolation and despair, and so that’s why I want to disassociate from the “meme-y-ness.”
Hey, I still like my stupid frogs, but I honestly don’t know if I can make him into something more positive. I’ve tried!

So what do I want this site and blog to be about? I dunno yet. Initially I made CozyNet to just vent about things, but venting and complaining is pretty much what everyone likes to do anymore. For me, it gets exhausting to see, hear, and read about when it’s just non-stop complaining and negativity, so why should I contribute to that? There’s a time and place for it, but wouldn’t it be nice if it didn’t have such a prevalence in our expression to one another and instead we were just grateful and content? I’m by no means wanting to force a false sense of serenity, but it’s become the norm to just assume a pessimistic attitude in all things. Where is the joy? Do you understand what I’m saying here? If you live with no joy in your life save for some temporary hedonistic pleasure, then buddy you’ve bit onto a hopeless bill of goods that brought you there hook, line and sinker, and I know that you know it, so why persist in it? It’s time to throw all that nonsense out and to look for something different!
I’ve been trying to clean some stuff up around CozyNet to better reflect this, but I’m not going to delete the past either; you can still find it. Instead, I want it all to remain, but just not on the front stage. I like to see the progress made and when people try to cover up their past, they’re only trying to hide from it. This isn’t some social media account where I try to present the best image of me for the world to stroke my ego with “likes” and “thumbs up;” in fact, that’s exactly why I do not like social media, because it’s fake, including everyone on it! It’s primarily why I deactivated my FaceBook account 10 years ago, among other reasons.
Also my name is Garry. CozyBroz is cringe, but I prefer anonymous pseudonyms because I feel like, and more often than not, people that go by their real names over the internet as if it were some brand tend to become some of the most unapologetic self-conceited sorts you’ll ever witness that love nothing more than to see and hear their own name repeated, and I sure don’t want to become like one of them! A point that I would like to make in this regard is that you should strive to be a shining example of the goodness in your life no matter how small by being rooted and established in love rather than in merit, and that’s certainly not a love of your own image but a love for one another by the good pleasure of God.
Something else I want to mention is that I’ve also been working toward cleaning up my vocabulary even though I still slip up a lot; especially in person. It isn’t because of some warped sense of “sensitivity” and “inclusivity” nonsense predominant in the political authoritarian culture around speech, nor because it might make me sound smerter because that ain’t gonna happen, but rather it’s from out of a necessity to mature.
Have you ever had a guest over and they just whip out a cigarette or one of those vape pens and start smoking in your house? It’s very rude, and so dropping f-bombs and calling something “shit” in the middle of conversation is very much like that smoker that’s lost all perception of his nasty habit. You wouldn’t say those things around a kid, or around your grandma would you? Or would you? Tsk tsk tsk! :^)
So yeah, I think I’ve pretty much covered everything for this blog post. Here soon I’ll be posting more about house projects and things that I’ve been working on. I’m getting ready to make windows (frame, casement, sash and all!) with wood working tools that I’ve saved up money for. I’m quite excited, but it’s going to take time to learn so I’m going to make other things first, like picture frames and doors to get the hang of it. Despite appearing simple, they’re not a simple thing to make and involve a lot of attention to detail and form, so stay tuned!
Thanks for reading my blog!
Date: 2025-03-04
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