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General Update v19

I have a few things to share for this general update blog post. For the past month I’ve been caught up with family affairs and such, and I’ve also been quite busy with church stuff too, so I haven’t really had the time to sit at my computer to tinker around; I mean, I still do, but not as much as before.
Despite the craziness going on around me, I’ve been spared from it affecting me directly, which I’m thankful for. I feel like a storm is raging all around all the time, but not directly over me. Meanwhile I learned to cook a steak for the first time and it was the best steak I’ve ever had, working on projects for the house and about to get ready for even bigger projects this year as the season warms up.
Cooked over charcoal and prepared with onions, butter, mashed sweet potato, and some zucchini I canned a few years ago.
I bought a Miter saw, which will be a huge upgrade from that dang skill saw I’ve been using to make all my cuts (including angles…) It’s taken a little getting used to it because I’ve never worked with tools like this before. For example, I couldn’t figure out how to turn on the shadow line light and mistook its power switch on top as a generic power switch to the whole saw while having it switched off thinking it was on! The tilt is also really sensitive and I didn’t have it square so some of my cuts weren’t 100% perfect, which was alright because I was building a workbench table that doesn’t need to look pretty.
Here are a few pictures of it so far. I don’t yet have a top for the table, but this table will be where the saw goes so that I have a work surface to make my cuts. I plan to make similar tables for more equipment as I slowly prepare and learn to make my own windows. I’m going to start out small with picture frames and bird houses, then work my way up to a pair of paneled doors and maybe some stuff for the kitchen before getting to the actual windows because they have to be just right so that they’ll last a hundred years.

I thought I should share the pictures of Poochie’s dog house build. I didn’t ever get around to sharing these last year, but here they are! I built it like a mini house with an exterior and interior wall so that I could sandwich foam boards between them to insulate it. The floor is also off the ground, and I sat the house on top of these old metal carpeted hatch doors I found out back in the barn. He kept very warm with the heat lamp over winter! I ended up keeping his food and water inside the house because it would either get soggy or the water bowl would freeze over on the cement slab I dragged over from off the old cesspit that’s no longer functional.
I made this before I ever bought the miter saw. Making those angles wasn’t easy!"
I’ve been hearing people talk about them chickens and eggs of late. I haven’t been bothered by any of it though since my parents keep their own and I just get eggs from them. I have a good friend that works a lot with chickens and he’s been selling them over Craigslist like hotcakes; everyone's gone chicken crazy! I’d like to have some too, but I don’t have a place for them right now and don’t feel like dealing with it just yet. The only way I’d start with any farm animal is if they pay for themselves, and plus some, because I’m not interested in running a private petting zoo unless it’s worth it.
Thanks for reading my blog!
Date: 2025-03-20
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